618-472-4763 [email protected]

Crappie fishing pricing is as follows:

  • 4 hour crappie trip $250
  • 6 hour crappie trip $350

the pricing is for one or two people, each additional person is another $100

      • October and November we are only running morning and afternoon 4 hour trips. 
        • Morning trips start at 7:00 a.m. and end at 11:00 a.m., or limit, whichever comes first. 
        • Afternoon trips start at noon and end at 4:00 p.m. or limit, whichever comes first.

Catfish fishing prices:

  • Rod and Reel channel catfish trips $125 per person minimum of two anglers, maximum of six. 
  • Hogging/noodling/hand fishing $250 per person minimum of two, maximum of six anglers. 

For additional information on catfish trips please visit www.rendlakecatfishguides.com 

There is a $50 fee for spectators on any fishing trip.

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